Title & Favicon || HTML blogs

Hay guys. Maneesh once again with a new blog on how title and favicon of the page. Hope you like it.

What Is The The Title?

The title tag is used for naming a page. Basically it's not naming but as said before the text inside the title bar of browser is known as title of the page. For example if you are visiting Facebook, You will see the facebook written at the top of the browser. This is called title of the page.

What Is The Favicon/Fav?

Favicon is the picture shown in the title bar along with the title. For example if you visit YouTube you can see the small icon of facebook at the title bar. 

How to input title in the webpage?

For inserting the title you need to use the title tag. It is used in the head section. For example the title tag is used as below:
     <title>Title goes here</title>

How to input the Favicon?

Many of you may want to insert the image in the title bar but the <img /> tag doesnt work in this time. The link tag is used to insert the favicon in the webpage.

For example:
<link href="location with image.extension" rel="icon" />
<title>Title of page</tittle>

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