Inserting Image in HTML


We have already discussed about HTML language and it's usage. As told before HTML is used to develop a static webpage. A static webpage is a page that contains text and image which cannot be changed according to the will of user. In explanation Pages made up of HTML will contain a image and text which a viewer without source code and access to admin page cannot change. 

So guys we all need to insert image in our webpage but a beginner dont have any knowledge to it. Inserting text is very easy in html but for inserting image a developer needs to give a source of image. It uses the tag "Img"  and attribute "src". For example if I will to insert a image i just write a tag as in the following line:
<img src="source of image" />
In src="" I give the source of image (This may be either downloaded image or either from the online server..)
For example lets make a situation that I am designing a webpage on html and I wanna insert a image of HTML.. In that I have two option to insert the image. Either I download or design the required image or I can even give the online url of image. For inserting the downloaded image I create a folder keep my image and html page in that folder. Lets suppose the name of my image is "HTML.png"
So for that I write the following code:<img src="HTML.png" />
It gives me the image that I wanted to insert in the webpage in the same resolution and same size. For controlling the size and the resolution of image I will write some methods in my next post. Please dont miss that post as I will be describing about different attributes of the tag IMG.
This was the method for the local image now for inserting the image from different sites I use the same tag and attribute but in the src="" I give the link of the image from that site. For example if I want to insert the image shown here. I write the following code:
<img src="" />
and it give me the image that is in the link..

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